Flora’s Room
Entry Instructions

Your Host
Petra Fazekas
+36 70 599 7934
Property Address
1061 Budapest,
Liszt Ferenc tér 5.
2nd floor, Apt. 3B
Name: Budapest Sky (.com) LFt
Password: WelcomeHome!
Entrance instructions Flora’s Room
1. The entrance to the building is the blue door with number 5 above the door. You will receive the gate code from your host to enter the building.

2. Once inside the entry hall there is a second door to the left. On the far-right side enter the same code again to release the left of the large doors. Once you enter the hallway you will go up some stairs to the elevator. Take the elevator or walk up the stairs to the 2nd floor.

3. Coming out of the elevator or stairs, turn right to get to the courtyard. Walk along the courtyard to the last door on the long side of the walkway with a wooden table and chairs in front. The apartment will have number “3B” and “Flora’s Room” labelled on the door. There is a lockbox next to the door. (you will receive the lockbox code from your host). MAKE SURE TO CLOSE THE LOCKBOX AFTER RETRIEVING THE KEYS AND SCRAMBLE THE NUMBERS TO AVOID ANY FUTURE ISSUES WITH THEFT.